While there are several demarcations between the two approaches of study, the methods of analyzing data also differ. Here’s a brief discussion on these methods:
• Quantitative methodology:
o Regression analysis is one of the fundamental quantitative methods of research existing for the researchers. The advanced array of experimental techniques is reliant on this methodology.
o Vector Auto-regression analysis is among the highest array of quantitative techniques present today. This methodology is mostly used for setting up contributory association amid the variables beneath inspection.
o Matrix Algebra analysis is a fundamental method for demonstration of data which helps the researchers to examine the complete set of panel or cross-section data more effectually.
• Qualitative methodology:
o Factor analysis is one of the best method for scrutinizing the strength and reliability of any questionnaire that have been used for survey method. It examines the factors in any questionnaire on the basis of the objective of the study. It condenses the idleness of the questionnaire.
o Box plot analysis is a precise technique for expressing the data in provisions of its variety, mean and discrepancy. It represents an evocative statistics in case of any variable.
o Interview coding is an explicit method which is used for examining the interviews. Particular keywords and recurring words are illustrated in the interview which being identified is associated with the ontology of the research that will be carried out.
• Quantitative methodology:
o Regression analysis is one of the fundamental quantitative methods of research existing for the researchers. The advanced array of experimental techniques is reliant on this methodology.
o Vector Auto-regression analysis is among the highest array of quantitative techniques present today. This methodology is mostly used for setting up contributory association amid the variables beneath inspection.
o Matrix Algebra analysis is a fundamental method for demonstration of data which helps the researchers to examine the complete set of panel or cross-section data more effectually.
• Qualitative methodology:
o Factor analysis is one of the best method for scrutinizing the strength and reliability of any questionnaire that have been used for survey method. It examines the factors in any questionnaire on the basis of the objective of the study. It condenses the idleness of the questionnaire.
o Box plot analysis is a precise technique for expressing the data in provisions of its variety, mean and discrepancy. It represents an evocative statistics in case of any variable.
o Interview coding is an explicit method which is used for examining the interviews. Particular keywords and recurring words are illustrated in the interview which being identified is associated with the ontology of the research that will be carried out.